Monday, September 18, 2006

Malaysian,it is betrayal or the truth?

After I read Kenny's blog, it sort of gets me thinking. What will Malaysia be like in year 2020. Will it be like the vision Dr. M had on his mind?I wonder.

To be honest, I'm not surprised that 90% of Malaysian votes that M'sia is progressing too slow.I mean, look at the ways things is happening back in Malaysia, it's pretty common for everybody to complain about the crime rates and the Government's admin style(especially the police) nowadays. Everything they implement or take action on (or if there is any action to be mentioned) seems futile to control or eradicate the problem that are present.

Maybe you will say that I'm betraying my own country for pin pointing out all these things. Well, for the record I'm not the only one that thinks the future of Malaysia is currently very dim, some of the readers commented on Kenny's post seems to have a similiar perception as me.

I still like Malaysia, as I have realized over these past few months after living here in Australia. But if Malaysia isn't the place where I have my family and friends plus all the food I like, I wouldn't miss it anyhow. Because apart from all the things I mentioned above the Australia is a better place, where you get good public transport, good security, cheap high quality education(if you are the citizen, of course.Well, Malaysian also get that but how about the quality??), alot more oppotunity, more freedom in terms of your rights and mind you the most important thing you have a bright future here regardless of who you are. I'm not trying to say that Australia is the best in the world, but I'm trying to give an example of what a developing country should be like and yes Australia is still a developing country so is singapore, but by the looks of it will be Singapore archieving the developed nation status by the year 2020 rather than Malaysia. And this will make them gloat to us about making the right choice of leaving Malaysia.Do you want that to happen??

A lot of my friend ask me why have my Dad applied for the permanent residency status in Australia. That is because my dad sees that there is no future in Malaysia for his children and living in M'sia is endagering his family's life by taking the risk of being mug or worse, kill by some indian, chinese or malay who is driven to desperation for some money to live. Plus, he is thinking behind his head about the condition of Malaysia's economy. Is it gonna improve? or worsen?
I'm sure some of your parents are going through same fear as my dad.

Ok here are some questions....

How many of you will be guaranteed a job after you graduate from the University?
apart from Honours degree holder I don't think many are that lucky. Is it because that you are in a local government funded uni and you are studying some kind of super"cold" subject that people rarely hear about?
Is it there is simply no demand in Malaysia to hire a specialist like you?
(I'm sorry for those who have no choice but to study the super 'cold' subject)

Have you noticed lately that many business is going bankrupt or one of the shops nearby closed down?
Have you noticed that although there are many people in 1u or Midvalley but there is less people actually buying stuff?

Maybe you will think that RM 50 is gonna last you a week. Well, you maybe right 5 years ago but I don't think that this situation still applies today. RM 50 will only last you a day, maybe at top 2 days.
True, no?

It looks like if the current situation continues I would say that, it's all the way downhill.

So, Mr. Kenny I'm very surprise when you say you are surprised that 90% voted that Malaysia is progressing too slow. Of all people, I thought you would be sensitive enough.Looks like I'm quite wrong. Is it true that somebody is paying you to write about that post? :>

Dr. M. did lots of things to help progress Malaysia (although there is also alot of things that happened behind our back which slowly starts to float up now that he has retired) you owe him some credit man. As for the current 1, I reckon he is too soft and I would not be a father-in-law to certain someone if I were him.

Personally, if I have a choice I would get in my vote as " Malaysia where got imploove?? ( wat is mature btw?) hmm...maybe all the robbery, people killing people, and lower real income is the signs of improvement over the 49 years... aiya I dun noe long as I pay the polis money and they dun kacau me then ok loh "

Come on Malaysia, Wake up!!! Don't become the next Phillipine,also I don't want my home to turn into an Africa continent by itself.

for those who want to read abt Kenny's blog click on the link under the Cbox.


Ayu Sheikh O. said...

I agreed with you.
I'm staying in Sg.
It's not that I want to compare Sg & My but for whatever you said at (and even frm ur blog), its totally true.

Wow! It's great to stay in Australia.
Is it quite racist over there?
I did told my mum that I want to migrate at Australia.
Could you share & tell me how to do it?
Its not that Im stupid but I am the only one that want to migrate, not my parents. =)
Independent.. yup thats it.
The correct word to used.
teehee! =)

chiau chuin said...

haha..ayume i dun think it's quite true with the racist part.

As ppl alway take two hands to make a sound. So if you try to understand them, they will understand you...therefore there won't be any racial prob.

I hope you dun get me wrong, what I said in Kenny's and here doesn't mean that i hate Malaysia. I just hope that things will change for the better.

Will try to blog about Australia if suitable time come up..but in summary if you like a relaxing lifestyle you will like australia although somebody consider it as lazy.

Ayu Sheikh O. said...

Nahh... I didnt said that you hate msia. =)
sometime, i dn like how they control all the situation.
good thing that they have the resources but didnt make full use of it.
still laid-back.
nvm, at least theres a changes in ur life. good for u babe! =D

oh yeah... can u tell me how the migrate thingy works?
i may be young but i prefer to be prepared. =)

chiau chuin said...

You can get all the info from Http://
I'm not really sure about the whole process as it is my parents that made the whole thing possible.

from what I gather, you have to reach a certain point before you are considered.