Tuesday, February 28, 2006

I got evicted .

Guess what happen today?
My landlady told me to move out within 2 weeks,that means I have to move out by 13 th of March.
To be honest I don't know what really happen and why she want me out of her house.
I thought we are getting along fine, me not arguing with her, saying yes to every rule she stated and she is talking jokes to me just last night.There was no warning about what is going to happen to me in the near future then.
Although for the 2nd week, there is some misunderstanding I thought I solve it but looks like I'm wrong.

Friday, February 24, 2006





有好多人像以前的我一样。。。 一直喊着要自由。。。一直喊着不要管我,这是我的生活。。。


Thursday, February 23, 2006

It's too peaceful here!!!!!!!

Uni started this week but there is not much goin on.I practically have a whole week off except for tuesday and wednesday......
Well, don't admire this type of uni life cos you will die of boredom real soon.......
It's too peaceful here.....so peaceful that you will lose touch of the whole wide world and you can here yourself talking to your own self...... scary huh???
Well,as this boredom sucks out my life the weather here is getting colder which is an A plus for me ....cos since I got here I have got a tan that every australian wanted but!!!!...I don't want it.
Spend the whole day watchng movies and eating ice creams....I'm nuts right eating ice cream during a cold day.....though I sill have 2 essay waiting for me to finish which in total has 2500 words.....
See told you not think of getting a uni life same as mine.....it's only 1st week and I've already got 2500 words of essay to write.
I think these essays will help me get used to my new laptop keyboard...so next time when I chat with some of you guys I'll be faster.
okok....Let me introduce some of my new friends
The first is a HK who lives here for 2 and a half years, met her on the first day of orientation.Her name is Annie.
The second is Kyle....he's an australian,quite a nce looking chap...got the living next door look.....he is annie's high school friend and a very funny guy,although to my disappoinment already has a girlfriend ;( but because he is in the same course with me..somebody thinks that he is a "gayish" type...you know what I mean.....but look at Gaylord M. Focker he is married to a girl!!!!
and there a cute girl who is a swedish her name is rachel.
My class is quite big compare to the others so I haven't met all of them yet..
Just hope that I can really take on this new challenge cos it seems to me everyone is so well prepare than me....
so wish me luck..
will keep posting....so ther won't be any voice inmy head talking to me....

Monday, February 20, 2006

I miss home so so much!!!!

Hi everybody...how are you guys ....hope everyone is fine back there.
Uni starts this week but I don't get any lecture till next week so I'm preety free at the moment.
However I won't be online as long and as many time as I can because my landlady is using a dial up connection and I'll be using up her phone line if do that too much.
Feel pretty lonely up here....just feels out of place...and have to face lots of unimaginable problem and stuff.
I just feel the emptiness in me ,everything I do just some how reminds me of my family and my friends,to think that I can't do that anyore just make me feel worse.......
I think I'm a bit slow with my feeling cos I didn't really miss anything up until now.
It's been a week since i left and I found that Australian eventhough they are nce they can be very lazy.
For the whole first week I have been trying to get my timetable done I still can't seems to get to contact the person in charge.
Lucky for me,I met one of my coursemate on the first day of the orientation....she a Hong Kong-nese and a very sweet girl....but it's weird though...I mean the feeling......it's just isn't the same .
I don't think I'll anymore right now orelse I think I'll keep on feeling my homesickness.
Will try to post more if I can......
Luv you all....bye for now.

Thursday, February 16, 2006

I'm surviving

arrived in australia....
still missing home and not sure when will i be over it.
Just want to say thanks to all my friends...
thank you jing tien....... hwa khang......hui jin .....soo imm.