Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Guilty of all charges

I feel so terrible now......
Had a quarrel with my dad last night...don't ask what is the reason you will never want to know.The worse part is I think I cause my father to resign from his job.
Lately he's been so depressed mainly from the pressure of his job and starting to have ideas of starting anew in Melbourne,but my mom managed to convince him to stay on for the family...with this outbreak I think my father has reach his maximum tolerance of anything from pressure of his job to everyday problem...
finally he let go of everything.
The thing is if my dad resign,he'll be jobless and at my father's age it'll harder for him to find a job than the others especially now.Where economies are not booming but starting to drop,who would want to hire new employees???
why I couldn't just be patient enough and not quarrel with him? Hadn't had an outbreak for so long why can't I just keep my mouth shut then....
I feel that I'm so ungrateful and unthankful for what he has done for our family....yet I'm not sure what to do to make up for what I did.
Now that I have done it the worse is yet to come.
The whole family might go to Australia by the end of the year if this situation continues.....but how are we to cope with the living expenses there and in addition to it my uni tuition fees plus my siblings'......
No use regretting now just hope that my father's boss will try to retain him until things get better......and my father to accept his offer.
I'm sorry dad hope things get better for you.

1 comment:

Wen Ching said...

well, ur problem sounded kinda complicated but i think he did not resign just because he argued with u... since it's over, dont think bout it anymore, apologise and i think ur father will understand.

i dont know much about ur situation but just go with the flow, you cant predict the future, there's no use worrying too much, i'm sure ur father wouldnt want u to do so either, try to support ur father, that's the best thing u can do. cheer up ya!