I have disappeared long enough and I apologise for the lack of update.
If anyone is still visiting this long abandon blog, I have a troubled mind that needs to be cleared.
here is the problem...
It's nearly half a year since my boyfriend move back to sydney, meaning he is currently living with his parents and I have always thought that I get along with his mom. That I never really need to worry about her not liking me or something on that line.
But after this trip to sydney, something happen and it made me think otherwise. From what I gather, there may be more than one occasion that she complain about me to George.
To be honest, I am surprise. Because she seem to be courteous to me. Saying that she doesn't need my help when I offer. That goes to when I even insisted that I help her, she still says no.
Now she turns around and say that she doesn't like people that sits around and do nothing!!
I have to admit that I have given up offering her my help because everytime i did she made me look stupid so i stopped. Maybe I shouldn't have stop.
It seems like I can never assume what she is thinking.
It led me to think that women are such a complicated animal. It is never a simple yes or no , it is always tied with some kind of term and condition.
No wonder we ourselves never seem to understand fully what we want.
From this incident it makes me think that women are cunning and manipulative so that they always get their way. Well at this point there may be female reader would want to object my views strongly.
But I must say sometimes I would think of ways to get what I want. Does this make me manipulative and cunning?
hey sweetie...don't let this get to you kay? *hugs*
i know what it's like too..not like we can forcefully help them when they keep saying no right? :(
sometimes i just quietly help until they notice and start shoo-ing me...then it makes me feel better cause i did help a bit you see lol :D
what a way to comfort myself right haha.
anyways will u be back for xmas?? :)
thanks alot... i feel better now.
I'm a surprise that someone is still reading my blog..lol..
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