Back in Melbourne...
Phew....finally after a week
I manage to post my first post after I am back
You all would have thought that I have forget about the people back in Malaysia...
since I am not blogging..well last week went by pretty fast
everyday is fill with 5 hours lectures and 2 hour tutorial everyday.....
and with the same speed as well I have got 2 assignment up my sleeves when my sis hasn't even started uni yet!!!
Life in Melbourne is still full of things to do...
like the never ending pile of bills that I need to pay, the ever dirty floor that needs to be clean at least twice a week(which all of us never do until we can't stand it no longer..hehe..)
and of course to catch up with those that has already came back from overseas....
plus the very very original weather of Melbourne....
Been raining the whole week last week....and it has been recorded the coldest ever compared to the temperature recorded same time last year....
I can predict it is gonna be a really cold winter...*brrrrr*
But luckily the weather on the weekend after the day i am back was beautiful....
the day is fill with light brezze and warm sun.....a perfect picnic weather!
ok that is all for now....
goin to make my first tiramisu...
fingers cross that nothing will go wrong.
will post the photos that i caught on the Chinese new year gathering....
take care everyone.