Friday, December 09, 2005

happy birthday great grandfather!!

I celebrated my great grandfather's 100th birthday yesterday.Yup!he's still alive and strong,quite proud of him too :)

I have been wondering why nobody left any message for me lately???Is my blog starting to get boring liao....haha.
Anyway I change my hairdo liao,I curled my hair and even coloured it so the next time you see me I think you'll get a shock.
Well most of my relative can't recognise me when they first saw I don't reckon anybody can figure it's me when they see me with my new hairdo.

By the way,wen ching is coming back to malaysia on the 19th and can't wait to meet up with her.Miss the old days so much.....

As for my job, I quit again!!what's the reason??Don't ask,it's the same one....hee hee..goodbye comic books and extra income :(

One of my old classmate is back from the down under,but haven't had the time to meet up with her....and I owe her a proper birthday hug.

and One thing......I'm BROKE!!!
sad:( have to find another job liao....wonder what to do this time....
oh worse!is there any job available....
who would want to hired me

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