Friday, November 18, 2005

Harry potter 4

Went to watch the movie yesterday with my friend.
This is first time I went to a movie with him,I'm a bit surprise since we have known each other since primary school.
The movie is quite hilarious and exciting and I can say it's better than the last potter movie....Much better...And it's the best among it's kind,but if you have already read the book don't expect the movie to be exactly the same.....The plot in the movie is rearranged.....To a simpler version...Without all those explanation of course...
The acting of the casts has improved especially Daniel.However, there is some bad acting in the part of Professor Dumbeldore.Well,he seems very unstable...Not like the one we know from book.
On the whole this movie is definitely worth your money whole movie length is about two and a half hours....(I think the ad accommodate nearly 20 minute of the time)
The most exciting part of the movie is when Harry perform the first task.
So,for those who are still thinking whether to spend your money on the cinema or pasar malam...then I suggest you go to the cinema..the sound effect is much better...although you may hear some little irritating kids calling out to their parents .(well,me and my friend have this kind of situation...hope you don't meet one of those brat during your session)
after the movie....we had lunch and I met my college mate...and I end up going shopping with my her...haa haa...that's how I spend my day off....
By the time I reached home it's already 5pm!!Phew..what a tiring day...

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